Gil's Guest House - Lubbeek (Private)


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35 Parijsstraat
3211 Lubbeek

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Alimentazione con energia rinnovabile
Gil's guest house is equipped with a dedicated Wallbox for their visitors.

It should work at 22 kW max but when I used it first in April 2022, they have discovered that their electrical subscription has been changed a few years ago so it doesn't support max power for the moment. However, I don't know for sure if they will upgrade their subscription in the future.

It has been manually restrained to 20A per phase max in order to avoid discarding.

Stazione #1

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11kW  / AC - tre fasi

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Grazie a Chargemap non ho più paura di fare un viaggio Bordeaux-Rennes (485 km) con la mia Citroën C-Zero! - Jérome


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