Garage Langic


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7–12 Trg Josipa Langa
10000 Zagreb

Area coperta
Inside the parking garage 2 parking spots right before the exit ramp. It is a public parking garage which means is cheaper then most private ones like Cvijetni Trg, but is still paid. Great option if you need to park in the city centre. Always check on ELEN app if it is occupied as people leave cars (many hybrids) to charge during the day.

Free ELEN app required to charge.

Price list:

For charger power up to 22,1kW: Daily rate: 2,7kn/kWh, Nightly rate: 2,31kn/kWh.
Allowed charger staying time: 180 min.

For charger power up to 50kW: Daily rate: 3,5kn/kWh, Nightly rate: 2,9kn/kWh.
Allowed charger staying time: 60 min.

For charger power >50kW: Daily rate: 4,95kn/kWh, Nightly rate: 4,45kn/kWh.
Allowed charger staying time: 45 min.

Every minute above allowed charger staying time is charged by the rate of 1,00kn/min.

*Night rate is charged from 9PM to 7AM during EST (European Summer Time) which is from the last Sunday of October until the last Sunday of March.
Night rate is charged from 10PM to 8AM durinf the rest of the year.


Za punjače snage do 22,1kW:
Dnevna tarifa: 2,7kn/kWh
Noćna tarifa: 2,31kn/kWh
Dozvoljeno vrijeme boravka na punjaču: 180 min

Za punjače snage do 50kW:
Dnevna tarifa: 3,5kn/Kwh
Noćna tarifa: 2,9kn/kWh
Dozvoljeno vrijeme boravka na punjaču: 60min

Za punjače snage iznad 50kW:
Dnevna tarifa: 4,95kn/kWh
Noćna tarifa: 4,45kn/kWh
Dozvoljeno vrijeme boravka na punjaču: 45 min

Svaka minuta iznad dozvoljenog vremena boravka na punjaču naplaćuje se 1,00kn/min.

Noćna tarifa je aktivna od 21h do 7h tijekom zimskog računanja vremena (zadnja nedjelja u listopadu do zadnje nedjelje u ožujku)
Noćna tarifa je aktivna od 22h do 8h tijekom ljetnog računanja vremena (ostatak godine).

Station #1

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App Telefono


22kW  / AC - tre fasi

Station #2

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Sistema di identificazione
App Telefono


22kW  / AC - tre fasi

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Grazie a Chargemap sono stato in grado di realizzare il mio sogno: andare al Gran Premio di Formula-E a Monaco, un viaggio di 940 km con la mia Renault ZOE! - Fabien


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