Postojna Cave Park


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30 Jamska cesta
6230 Postojna

Area coperta
Alimentazione con energia rinnovabile
+386 5 700 01 00

3,5 EUR / day for car parking
10A plugs for caravans, Free Charge The distance between the centre of Postojna and the Postojna Cave Park, where the entrance into the cave is located, is 1 kilometre. The entrance to the cave is situated approximately 300 metres from the car park for passenger cars, motorcycles and buses. Guests arriving by caravan have a caravan park at their disposal on the premises. It is located by the main road in the direction of the Predjama Castle, only 250 metres from the entrance to the Postojna Cave. It is open from the spring to the autumn, 24 hours a day. It can accommodate 20 vehicles for which water and electricity supply (16 A) is provided, and there is a possibility of a sewer connection on the spot. The price per night is 18 € per caravan.

Stazione #1

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3kW  / AC - fase singola

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